Reserve Incident Reporting
Dear Reserve Flight Attendants,
Today we are launching a new tool for reporting reserve issues. It is our goal to make reporting incidents as easy and quick as possible. We have added a link to a form on the Reserve Committee page of that will bring you directly to a Reserve Incident Report form. On this form, you can report contractual violations, issues with scheduling and/or a scheduler and any other issue you have while on reserve.
We would like to remind you that if you believe the contract is being violated, try to contact your AFA Representative immediately to have the issue resolved. In addition, we also ask that you report the issue on this form as well. All of the data taken off these forms will be used at meetings with management in an effort to fix any breakdowns in the system.
You can access the form by going to, clicking on the Reserve Committee link, and selecting the Reserve Incident Report link in the tools & resources box. You can also access the form directly at
If you have any questions, feel free to contact a member of your Local Reserve Committee or MEC Reserve Chairperson Jarod McNeill at
In Solidarity,
Your Reserve Committee
Reserve Quarterly Meeting Minutes – 09/22/2014
Quarterly Meeting Minutes
Monday, September 22, 2014
10 AM – 2 PM
Room 227, Alaska Airlines Flight Operations Building, Seattle
Management Pressure and Trading While on Probation
The Master Executive Council (MEC) has recently become aware of situations involving Inflight management discouraging new hires from exercising their contractual ability to trade, reposition, or give away trips or reserve days. This kind of pressure violates our contract.
Have You Been Pressured Not To Trade?
When you were on probation, did a member of Inflight management discourage you from exercising your contractual rights to trade? We’re looking for first-hand examples of Inflight supervisors or managers discouraging you from:
- Asking for personal drops
- Trading or giving away pairings (either on your line or picked up)
- Repositioning, trading, or giving away reserve days or block
Share Your Example With Us
If you have a first-hand example of an Inflight supervisor or manager pressuring you not to exercise your contractual right, we’re looking for your feedback. Flight Attendants currently on probation: please participate! However, be assured that AFA will hold any responses from probationary Flight Attendants in strict confidence until the completion of probation.
Send an email to
In Solidarity,
Your MEC—Jeffrey Peterson, Brian Palmer, Yvette Gesch, Becky Strachan, Laura Masserant, Cathy Gwynn, Sandra Morrow and Stephen Couckuyt
New Reserve Committee Member
New Reserve Committee Member
Please join us in welcoming Bethany Gilbo to the Reserve Committee, effective February 12, 2014. Bethany has been an Alaska Flight Attendant since December 2011 and was with Horizon prior to joining Alaska. This is her first time being involved in a union position. She is looking forward to helping Reserve Flight Attendants gain knowledge about their work group and contract while working to make the transition to their new career as easy and understandable as possible.
The main purpose of the Reserve Committee is to help Flight Attendants to interpret and understand the reserve portion of the contract and serve as a liaison between Crew Scheduling and Flight Attendants holding a reserve schedule. They may be contacted through the PDX AFA Hotline at (503) 396-4089, option 4 or through the AFA website at
Yours In Solidarity,
LEC President Cathy Gwynn, LEC Vice President Brian Palmer, and Local Reserve Committee Chairperson Hannah Winit