Pick up Your Fabric Masks in SFO
Flight Attendants interested in wearing the Alaska issued fabric mask may now pick them up in the SFO Village. Distribution of masks occur in the SFO Village by supervisors from 0500-1500 daily and after hours by CSA supervisors. Flight Attendants will receive two (2) masks each and must sign for them; you may also email the SFO supervisors to coordinate pick-up through V-file. You may also wear their own fabric masks provided they are neutral in color and without any pattern. AFA continues to advocate that passengers be required to wear masks, so stay tuned for more updates on the progress of this requirement.
Reserve Buddy
New to reserve? Not sure how it works? The SFO Reserve Committee has opened up the Reserve Buddy system to provide support to Flight Attendants finding themselves on reserve again, or on reserve for the first time under the current JCBA. If you would like to request a Reserve Buddy, who can help you navigate reserve life, please complete the form below.
Reserve Resources:
- Reserve Buddy Request Form
- Reserve Survival Guide
- Reserve 101 Quick Reference Guide
- Council 35 SFO Reserve Facebook Group
Leave Updates
Over 3,000 Flight Attendants are on some version of leave as of today’s publication. Management has indicated that this will continue for the next several months, so it is recommended that FAs continue to monitor company emails and bulletins for more information regarding future leaves. For June, leaves will be offered in 30, 60 and 90 day increments. For more information about the leaves being offered, please visit the Alaska AFA Leaves page on Alaskasworld.
New June Bidding Timeline
Similar to the May bid timeline shift, June’s bid will be delayed by one week. The new June bidding timeline, including the SAL/LBO bidding, is shown below. As a reminder, the SAL/LBO bidding is completed through Alaskasworld:

Staffing Adjustment Leave/LBO Bidding Timeline (Inflight Page):
- 4/30/20: June SAL/LBO bidding begins 0900
- 5/07/20: June SAL/LBO bidding ends 1500
June 2020 Schedule Bidding Timeline SFO (NavBlue):
- 5/12/20: June bid opens 0900
- 5/17/20: June bid closes 0900
- 5/20/20: June bid awards published 0900
- 5/20/20: June bid protest opens 0900
- 5/21/20: June bid protest closes 0900
- 5/21/20: June final award
- 5/21/20: 5-day trading unlocked 1700
- 5/22/20: SFO FA to FA trading 0900
- 5/23/20: SFO open time 0900
EAP and Other Resources
Flight Attendants in need of support during these unpredictable times are encouraged to reach out to the SFO EAP Committee and available resources for support. AFA has a coordinated many resources and groups to provide assistance and guidance to members in need. Additionally, Alaska Airlines provides employees with Active Support, which offers free confidential counseling to employees facing a variety of personal challenges.
California Resources
For Flight Attendants on leave that plan on applying for California Unemployment Insurance, please reference the April 25 communication regarding California state resources
How do I contact Council 35 Officers?
The best way to contact Council 35 officers is via email using a personal email account. The preferred methods of contact are:
- sfo@afaalaska.org (this is the group contact for all officers-if one officer is flying /unavailable the other officers can respond)
- Individual officer emails (if information is for a specific officer)
- Calls/text (if situation requires more urgent attention)
When contacting Council 35 officers please avoid the following methods:
- Sending to/from alaskaair email (subject to company audits and therefore not private)
- Officer personal Facebook/social media accounts (not actively monitored for AFA concerns)
- Excessively lengthy texts (please use email for important information as it’s easier to respond and forward to appropriate resource-texts should be reserved for alerts to an issue that requires a timely response)
Please allow at least one business day for a response to any method of contact (email, phone, text).
Fly safe and stay healthy!
In solidarity,
Melissa, Aladrian, James, and Brad
Melissa Osborne, LEC President • Melissa.osborne@afaalaska.org • 415-275-1322
Aladrian Hillmon, LEC Vice President • Aladrian.hillmon@afaalaska.org • 415-991-3791
James Ikehara, LEC Secretary • James.ikehara@afaalaska.org • 415-289-9011
Bradley Young, Council Representative • Bradley.young@afaalaska.org • 916-508-3503