**Revised with new information as of February 7, 2020 6 PM PST**
In This Edition
- Recurrent Training 2020 – Interim Update
- Flight Attendants Call for Responsible Halt to China Flights
- Maternity Roundtable Event
Recurrent Training 2020 – Interim Update
Master Executive Council (MEC)
Since last week’s AFA update on Recurrent Training (RT), management has been working to make changes to the program based on feedback from Flight Attendants and our AFA representatives. Several AFA officers and representatives have been observing and auditing this process to ensure contractual compliance and to advocate for positive changes to the program for all Flight Attendants.
Management has advised the Master Executive Council (MEC) that they will be releasing several communications over the next few days related to the status of the RT program and the timeline for classes to be relaunched. The MEC plans to release an additional update early next week in response to management’s communication.
Flight Attendants Call for Responsible Halt to China Flights
Air Safety, Health, & Security Committee (ASHSC)
AFA International issued this statement following last night’s travel advisory change by U.S. State Department to “do not travel to China” and the declaration by the World Health Organization (WHO) that the coronavirus is a “global health emergency”:
“AFA is calling for clear direction from our government to U.S. airlines to pull down all travel to China until the spread of coronavirus is contained. The government must work with our airlines to discontinue all service, with consideration for evacuation of flight crew, and with consideration to service that facilitates efforts by public health officials to contain spread of the virus,” stated Sara Nelson, AFA-CWA International President.
“The coronavirus may be spread by infected persons not yet displaying symptoms. For this reason, it is critical that any crew potentially infected through travel to and from China not be assigned to any additional flights until safely through the fourteen day incubation period. These crews must be pay protected for any scheduled flights and provided with the means to get food and other supplies while remaining out of public contact. This action is also on the AFA communicable disease checklist provided to all of our airlines again on January 21, 2020.
“We need responsible leadership from our government and we need it now. We will continue to work with our airlines, who have been exceeding precautions suggested by the administration – albeit now these actions are clearly not enough. This must end now. This is an emergency and our government must take a leadership role, in consultation with all stakeholders, in order to end this public health threat and protect American workers.”
Maternity Roundtable Event
Benefits Committee
Are you having a baby in 2020 or just thinking about it? AFA Council 19 (Seattle) will be hosting a Maternity Roundtable event on March 27 from 11 to 3 PM. Come have your questions answered related to maternity leaves, benefits, and other work-related considerations. Though the event will be held in Seattle, it is open to all Flight Attendants regardless of base.
SeaTac Office Center South Tower
18000 Pacific Highway South
Earhart Conference Room, Lower Plaza Level
SeaTac, WA 98188
The building is a short walk from the airport, located in the same building as 13 Coins Restaurant (between the Hilton and Radisson hotels). Free parking is available.
Conference Call Option
For those who are interested in participating but are unable to attend in person, a conference call option will be available. Please indicate your interest in participating by conference call when sending your RSVP and the call-in information will be provided to you.
Please RSVP to SEA Local Benefits Committee Chairperson Kathy O’Malley by email at benefitsassist@hotmail.com or by text at (425) 238-8219 if you are interested in attending.
Debbie Kane says
In regards to Ron Calvin’s latest blast to inflight “RT Improvement Plan”
Ron has indicated that RT’g for Monday (Feb 10th) will commence in SEA, but hasn’t received approval from the FAA. Does AFA find that perplexing? Will class continue on Monday the “Improved” way that he’s indicated in his blast? If so, can we have the completion pack that he’s streamlined down to 20 drills available to inflight immediately for studying purposes?
Please advise.
Jeffrey Peterson (MEC President) says
Management is not seeking approval from the FAA for the actual Recurrent Training “improvements.” The approval is for the “Special Track Training” program. The updated completion packets have been posted as of now (2/10/2020 ~0930 PT), but I’m unsure when they were actually uploaded.
Debbie Kane says
For those of us who have RT’g in the near future, do you have any insight as to what the improvements are/will be that Ron Calvin mentioned in his latest blast on Outlook dated Feb. 7.
It would be considerate of management to share information at the earliest time possible for those of us who are awaiting possible changes going forward. They should know by now what their improvements (if any) would be, wouldn’t you agree? Should we assume nothing will change to the completion pack and study accordingly?
Jeffrey Peterson (MEC President) says
The main difference you will see is a condensed drill experience from 31 drills down to 24 drills and how the drills are conducted. There will be more practice time before drills, there will be a live demonstration of each piece of equipment and the evaluator may now provide feedback following an unsuccessful drill. All of the other changes are in the training slide presentation used during class. The completion pack has been updated accordingly.