What do the Open Time codes mean?
Although the actual two letter codes in eMaestro are somewhat arbitrary and could change in the successor trading system, Jeppesen Crew Tracking Enterprise (JCTE), they do have a meaning. If a day is “open” in Open Time (OT), trips with the following codes can be traded (including downtraded) without respect to legs, days, TFP, et cetera—including the codes.
If a day is “limited” in OT, that is when the codes become important. Trips with the following codes in OT can be traded (including downtraded) without respect to legs, days, TFP, etc.:
- DD (direct drop to OT),
- CP (coupon drop), and
- TO (“open” trade).
If a day is limited in OT, a trip with any other code than those three can be traded only day for day or greater. Those codes include TX (“limited” trade), SL (sick leave), ML (medical leave), CB (Company Business), UB (Union Business) and others.
However in order to avoid confusion, AFA has requested that all the other codes to be “masked” in the Open Time group display (“Grp”) so you can focus on finding the “golden ticket” coded-trips that may be downtraded regardless of whether the day is open or limited: DD, CP, TO.
We’ve simplified it so that if a trip’s group display field is blank, the trip can be downtraded if the day of departure is open in OT; otherwise if the day of departure is limited in OT, a blank trip can be traded only day for day or greater.
Where to find the codes
The DD, CP and TO trip codes will eventually be displayed in eMaestro and/or the successor JCTE. In the meantime, you can still view the codes by logging into the World of Inflight –> My Schedule –> Open Time. The relevant codes are listed in the third column on the left under “Grp.” As mentioned above, if the field is blank that means the trip is coded something other than DD, CP or TO (e.g. TX, UB, CB, ML, SL, etc.) and the trip can be traded only day for day or greater if the day of departure is limited in OT.
Net 40 TFP
CBA §12.F.4 “A Flight Attendant has the ability to reduce her/his schedule by a net maximum of forty (40.0) TFP…as a result of drops or trades with OT each bid month.”
The net 40 TFP reduction only applies to activity in OT—not FA to FA trades/pick ups/drops.
There is no net 40 TFP calculator presently, so you will need to keep track of that yourself for now. AFA finds this extremely frustrating and is diligently working toward a solution with management.
For example, if you have a 4-day trip worth 20 TFP and you trade in OT for a 1-day trip worth 5 TFP, your net 40 TFP is now down 15 TFP to 25 TFP. If you then pick up a 2-day trip from OT worth 10 TFP then your net 40 is now up 10 TFP to 35 TFP. If you pick up a 3-day trip from a FA worth 15 TFP, your net 40 in unaffected since it only applies to trades/pick ups/drops with OT.
Open Days
On any calendar day that is “open” and not “limited,” all sequences with that day of report may be picked up, traded or dropped into OT without respect to the number of flights, the number of days and/or duty periods, TFP credit or any other parameters.
For example, if you wish to trade your 3-day trip beginning on October 4th for a 2-day trip in OT beginning on October 17th, as long as October 4th is open and you are not over your net 40 TFP, you can make the trade.
Limited Days
Any sequence reporting on a calendar day that is “limited,” that sequence may be traded for another sequence with the same day of report regardless of the length of the trip.
For example, if you wish to trade your KOA OAK 3-day trip reporting on October 9th with a turn in OT reporting on October 9th, it would be approved provided you are not over your net 40. For further detail on how this is accomplished, click here.
The example shows how to first trade up from a 2-day to the KOA OAK 3-day and then down to a turn, but the latter part of the trade is perfectly legal by itself if the KOA OAK 3-day was already on your line.
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Questions? Contact your local Scheduling Committee members.
In Solidarity,
Your MEC – Jeffrey Peterson, Brian Palmer, Yvette Gesch, Lisa Pinkston, Laura Masserant, Cathy Gwynn, Sandra Morrow and Stephen Couckuyt; and your AFA Scheduling Committee