December 2021 Update
End Of Year Reminders
Complete by 23:59 Dec 31st
- Current Uniform Allotment Expires – If you need new pieces make sure to use any allotment remaining, you’ll receive a new allotment Jan 1 thats good for 2 years
- Annual Compliance Training (ACT) CBT – Check Cornerstone, Discipline issued if not completed
- Guest Passes – Exchange your travel credits for passes, no need to print them they live in your guest pass history. We recommend you convert them 1 at a time, multiple passes. Do not convert all of them into 1 pass
COVID Points Forgiveness (Positive Test)
Per the new agreement with management, Flight Attendants can once again submit for points forgiveness for COVID absences with proof of a positive test. The time limits for submitting have been suspended. If you’ve had a previous submission denied and can provide a positive test result, please resubmit for points removal. Performance Supervisors will be reviewing each submission individually, so please be patient while your request is reviewed. To submit your request, visit: Alaskasworld> Inflight> Administration> Performance> COVID+/Vaccine Reaction Point Forgiveness Form
Grievance Committee Update
Recent Investigations Resulting in Discipline
- Failure to Complete CBT on time
- Commuter Policy Violations
- Missing Required Items
- Delays caused by Flight Attendants
AFA Membership Dues
Many Council 15 members are behind on their monthly AFA dues. After 90-days, a member can fall into Bad Standing. Once in Bad Standing, a member’s vote is not counted nor are they permitted to attend local council meetings until they are become current or make alternate payment arrangements with AFA Membership Services. Unpaid dues could result in termination per Section 26 C, D, & E of our Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Our Local Membership Committee can provide you with balance information- but we do not have access payment or billing history. If you have questions about your account, please reach out to AFA Membership Services.
AFA Membership Services844-232-2228Ext. 3 – Dues and Account information
or Online
Benefits and Leaves
The Committee is receiving an unprecedented number of inquiries regarding Medical Leaves. While we are here to assist, we need everyone to be informed and aware of leave guidelines. Please be aware that there is a Leave Handbook for each type of leave. The Leave Handbooks provide step by step instruction to help you begin the process and navigate your leave. We suggest reading through the appropriate handbook prior to starting your leave in order to have familiarity with the process. Leave Handbooks can be found on Alaskasworld> Inflight Page> Administration> Leaves
You can aslo reach outt o our AFA Benefits Chair Sonia Quackenbush click HERE.
Irregular Operations Guide
As most already know, the cold and winter weather in Portland and Seattle has caused operational challenges all around our network. We realize many of you have and will find yourselves stranded in cities you were not necessarily expecting to be in, working longer hours or changes to flying. please keep this link handy to help guide you.